Posts tagged instagram
6 Ways to Make Money on Instagram

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Have you made money off your Instagram account yet? From today’s Live in my Facebook group 80% answered “No.” I would like to say I’m surprised, but I don’t think everyone knows there are so many options out there to monetize even if you are considered a “micro-influencer.”

  1. Partner With Brands

    This one can be because of emails, dm’s (be on the lookout for red flags though), or from sites that I’ll mention in the “affiliate” bit.

    There are two ways of doing this or a combination of-

    1. Paid, posts in exchange for posts. Here’s a good post by Hootsuite for a general pricing guide. You can also charge without posting, just for creating content for the business.

    2. Product, posting in exchange for product. I don’t do this one as often as time is money, but if it is a product you would buy or standby, why not?

  2. Affiliate Links

    This is when you make sales with your custom links/promo codes. IG also rolled out a tag a product way of doing affiliate sales through your post sales.

    You can find some affiliates that complement your niche through sites like ShareASale and I have an affiliate to things like Amazon, Canva, and Flodesk. Why not get paid for things you use, love, and would recommend anyhow?

    *These Last 3 are all strictly from Instagram*

  3. Instagram Badges

    Make sure to check your settings and “enable badges” and then make sure your audience knows they can tip you! Works exactly the same as on Tiktok with “gifts.” Your audience pays IG your “tip” and IG pays you. In the past they used to take a small fee, but I had read that IG won’t be taking fees until 2023.

  4. Reels Monetization

    Once again, check your IG settings. It will tell you there if you are eligible for monetization. IG will pay you for your reels views. I know it’s true because I get it. Not a lot, but it’s something.

  5. Setup IG Shopping

    Once upon a time you had to be selling just physical products, which is great for small businesses and makers, but I believe IG will also be rolling out a way to sell services as well soon, if not already. From what I heard, it is really easy to set up your product sales if you are already using Shopify.

  6. Instagram Subscriptions

    Ok, this one I’m still not a fan of, here’s my small rant, but it still just feels like a cash grab. Like IG got jealous and is copying formats of Only Fans and subscription sites, to just sell the exclusivity of your IG close friends circle. But hey, only time will tell.

What do you think? What avenue is speaking to you? And are you ready to take that dive and make some money? If not reach out to me! I’m ready to cheer you on or give you that little last push…let’s make you some money!

2022 Hashtag Strategy

We all have heard some conflicting things about hashtags in Instagram these days, so here is what I found and what I recommend to get the most out of your hashtags for 2022.

Straight from the horse’s mouth, Instagram recommends:

  • Feed Post - 3-5 hashtags in caption or comment

  • Reels - 5-7 in caption

  • Stories - ZERO (hashtags are unsearchable in stories, so not worth the effort)

*So I will be focusing my tips on Feed Posts and Reels.

Hashtag Tips:

  1. Use up to 30 hashtags for feed posts BUT must be relevant to the post and you must change up the amount and word use up.

  2. Variety - Location, Industry, Branded (your branding-based hashtags), Descriptive, and Community Based (like “#SDMom”).

  3. Use hashtags between 10k-200k to maximize your reach.

  4. Double-check that your hashtags aren’t on the banned list.

  5. Check what hashtags your ICA is using.

  6. Make better content. Hashtags can’t save mediocre content. Think of a hashtag more like salt on a dish. Salt just enhances, but it can’t fix a garbage dish.

  7. Don’t rely on or stress about hashtags! Honestly, I forget to put them half of the time, hashtags aren’t the make or break that they used to be. Think of tip #6 and focus your effort on making good content.

You may have caught that I said to use up to “30 hashtags” in tip #1 but IG recommended 3-5, well I have a theory. Hashtags just make it easier for the spambots to find and it does come across as spammy, so maybe they are hoping lower numbers bring more focus and authentic engagement.

Hashtags on Instagram’s platform work more like SEO keywords and are more searchable, not something to just use because of trending (like on TikTok). So treat them more like a search optimization.

With all that said, here’s what I think and recommend. The sweet spot hashtag-wise for me seems to be 7 to 20 hashtags of varying amounts and words. I never stick to the same. So don’t post the same number of hashtags and the same hashtags everytime, try to experiment with a varying amount or even just using IG’s suggested amount and see.

Let me know what seems to be working for you. I’m interested to hear everyone’s experiences.

6 Social Media Marketing Strategies to Watch in 2022

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6 social media marketing strategies to watch in 2022, some you may know and others might surprise you. Let’s dive right in!

1) Video - You’ve heard me preach about this time and time again, but video is huge and will just continue to just grow. Instagram is still pushing reels like crazy! Though, maybe you noticed Instagram got rid of the “IGTV” and the spot it was in your profile/wall. Well, now that spot is just simply video. Take a look, you maybe notice all your old videos and boomerangs from your feed now lumped together there, (it’s next to your reels section before tagged posts). But, really! Video, Video, Video! 90% reels in my feed, it’s almost weird to see still image in the feed these days.

2) DMs - Create connections in those DMs, get to know your followers. Show up, so they know you’re a real person, not another spambot just trying to get their money.

3) Perfectionism is Out! Be authentic!!! No perfect feed! No perfect makeup and hair! Days of color-coded aesthetics are out. IG wants people to show up and be real. *Photographers, still stay true to your eye and aesthetics, clearly you are not the same, but still show up in video as the real you. Show that behind the scenes.

4) AR/VR - So IG/FB aka “Meta” owns Oculus (VR Headset) this is a shift to tie that in. I’m also not an expert in this space yet, but Ive heard they are hoping to be a space for virtual meetings, like one step closer to in-person than zoom chats could be. This maybe is your chance to launch an app? Or maybe like the artists selling those skins? Or NFTs? Bitcoin? Like I said, not my specialty, but it’s coming. In fact, when I recently purchased my new glasses through Zenni Optical, they have a feature that uploading a selfie along with some measurements gives you a pretty clear idea of what your glasses purchases will look like before they arrive.

5) User-Generated Content (UGC) - Get your users and followers to generate content for you. As a business using client/influencer/user-based content is the way of reaching your sales audience in another authentic way, sharing other people’s voices and opinions, examples of your products out in the world. Just a great way to meet new target audiences as well.

6) Memes/Gifs - Yes, I just said “memes,” lol, but video or static, these are the way! They have been the way for a long time and that won’t be going away anytime soon. Memes and gifs are great conversation starters, great for creating feedback, interaction, and shares. So how can you meme? (Don’t worry I plan to bring in a specialist in this area for a talk soon.)

In short, at this point, it’s highly unlikely it’s just you in your line of business, even if you are in a niche market, so you gotta step up and lean into what your superpower is in 2022. Are you wondering what your “superpower” is? Easy, it’s being you! No one else like you and you want to create that connection that begs for sales. Show up, show your face, be in those videos/reels/stories! And, make sure to keep an eye out in the EFF Facebook group for more live trainings for all 6 of these growing media options.

10 Tips on Converting Your Current Audience to Clients

In the past I’ve talked about how to get followers, convert new followers, find clients, but today I am just talking about wooing the ones you have.

First, if you feel like you suck a Instagram sales, don’t feel alone! It’s hard to get sales on there. Instagram really doesn’t want anyone leaving the app, they hope people stick around and are being entertained. They now are introducing “Instagram Store” which will hopefully help, but in the meantime here are 10 ways to combat that.

1) You have to understand your Ideal Client (your ICA). I know I say this over and over, but really this is step number one, if you haven’t done it yet, make sure to read “DEFINING YOUR ICA (IDEAL CLIENT AVATAR)” this will be the key for all your other steps. Even if you read before, check back in, your client will always be evolving as will you.

2) Have a Game Plan. Are you on Instagram just to be entertained, that’s fine, but if you want to make a sale, make a goal and game plan to get that goal! Make a calendar. Plan out content and interaction time, avoiding the doomsday scroll when you are on goal time. I’m not saying it’s easy, but having a game plan makes it easier and will get easier over time.

3) Share Your Story! Your “Hero’s Journey” Create a connection. Why someone would know you, believe you, trust you? What about your history got you to know the product or information you are selling? Think “Like, Know, Trust.”

4) Show Your Face in Stories may be the easiest. Show up in video, show your face! Talk about your day, behind the scenes, your story, your product…the list goes on. It gets easier the more you do it and it breeds trust.

5) Solving your ICA’s Problems. You need to know your ICA (step one). Selling and romanticizing what your product will offer them as a result of doing or buying this. In marketing terms, in your marketing message. in your bio is a great place to start. Keep repeating the message, most of the time your audience your client won’t even know they have this problem that needs to be solved until they get your message.

6) Create a Juicy Reason for them to leave Instagram. Like I was saying in the intro it’s hard to get people to leave IG. And in your bio IG only gives you one link spot so you really need to create a reason that it’s worth clicking and leaving that entertaining scrolling. “Come to my website and buy my product” is a lot to ask, give them a juicy freebie or a discount, a reason to leave.

7) Slide into their DM’s. That’s what direct messages are for. If you feel someone is engaging with you a lot and you feel like they are your ICA start a normal nice conversation, before starting the sale. If they don’t want the dm they won’t read or respond, that easy. You’re just connecting and opening a conversation first. Also, can use stories to create an opportunity to dm for a direct sale! (Lesson on DM selling to come.)

8) Share Testimonials! One of the easiest ways to create sales is by sharing testimonials. This is not just you talk about yourself, social proof is a great way to help sell. People will see someone like them and say, “Oh, it worked for so and so…so this should work for me to.”

9) Utilize Instagram Shopping. They are putting billions, I mean BILLIONS into this, utilize it. They take a portion, but when they raise their portion, I think 30% raise your prices, people will understand. They are even opening this option for people selling things that aren’t just product-based.

10) ASK FOR THE SALE! Call to Action. The basic sales 101. Reels, stories, feed posts, make sure to have that call to action.

If you noticed I didn’t mention the IG 10k swipe-up. That’s because I’ve seen on multiple profiles the stats for it and honestly it isn’t there. The other steps mean more, take the pressure off getting to that 10k. Plus, I’ve heard they are working on a link sticker for stories so who knows, you might not even need that 10k swipe up at some point.

As always if you have questions, feel free to ask! I’m here to help!

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Let's Talk "Equity" Specifically Instagram And Equity

This is huge! Huge for content makers on Instagram that have felt marginalized, hidden, or targeted on the social media platform. Instagram is finally speaking about their new “Equity team” and what it means.

First, no shame if you aren’t familiar with the concept of “Equity” instead of the use of “Equality.” Let me recommend this article on Mental Floss - “What’s the Difference Between Equity and Equality?” for you.

Many communities, Black, disabled, plus-sized, and LGBTQIA+ have been claiming issues with the platform for a while now. Problems with content hidden. Suddenly taken down. Or even accounts suddenly banned, and this is never an easy fix. It’s also never been a transparent conversation or process, but the release from Instagram just recently gives hope.

Or at least gives me hope in the fact that they are listening.

“The Instagram Stories” Podcast does a pretty good job summarizing it all up, in less than 4 minutes. I highly recommend giving it a quick listen.

But my biggest takeaway from the official article was this-

This foundational work helped us to narrow our focus, and finalize what our team will be concentrating on more specifically. Our team will now focus on three areas:

-Helping every Instagram employee prioritize building equitable products and tools

-Promoting fairness on the platform through our technology and automated systems

-Using Instagram to create more opportunities for empowerment.

Really, I am just happy to hear there is a team and some concerns I’ve heard time and time again are mentioned. So let’s hope, but I guess only time can tell.

I’m curious though, have you ever felt like your account or posts were targeted for being in a marginalized community? Are you relieved to hear that they are trying to address it? Do you think it will work? Comment below! I really would like to hear your thoughts.

Social Media Has Died.

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Ok, maybe I'm being a bit dramatic (and morbid - poor Twitter bird) but I'm here to make a point. Facebook and Instagram went down recently again! This time for hours, making April’s over 20 minutes scare look like nothing, and it even took WhatsApp with them.

Let’s face it! Instagram glitches constantly (due to them updating - like all the time)

It's SOOO annoying.

But what if social media wasn't there tomorrow?

What if someone hacked your account and you lost everything you've done on Facebook?

All those dms on IG? Can't access them.

It's an actual legit thing that can and has happened. Here are a few tips on how to not make this your living nightmare!


First of all - 2 Factor Authentication is a must. You can turn this on for most sites that need logins and even though that extra step can be annoying - it could save your sanity in the future. Essentially, you get a text with a code any time someone (even you) tries to log in to your account. Put in the code and be on your merry way.

Need more help with this - I have a training in my FB group about this!


My 2nd tip?

Get yourself an email list. Stat.

Did you know that email lists convert to sales 73% more often than on social media?

Yep, I said it. The IG coach is telling you to not sell on IG. If you don't use an email list for your business - you are freaking missing out on money.


I personally use and love Flodesk.

It's so easy and dare I say…fun to use!

They are $19 a month with my referral code (click the button below) and you can try it free for 14 days. You won't be disappointed.

Got questions? Comment and I'll be happy to chat with you!

The Dos & Don'ts of Video

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Video is so necessary for social media these days! Let me help you with a few dos and don’ts to get you in front of the camera and sharing in no time!

  • Do make eye contact. Look into the camera, not at yourself.

  • Don’t speak to everyone in your recorded videos. You want to speak directly to your ICA.

  • Do DANCE it OUT! This will help you loosen up and get your energy up!

  • Don’t forget about lighting! Face a window, get some natural light, and get a ring light.

  • Do get straight to the point. Live it’s ok to wait for people to pop on, but when it comes to stories and recorded videos grab their attention immediately, especially with reels.

  • Do keep your camera stabilized, seems like a no-brainer, but this helps you also come across as more professional.

  • Don’t talk about your appearance! Really don’t bring negative attention to yourself. Don’t fidget with your hair. Be Confident!…even if you aren’t, just remember, practice makes perfect.

  • Do watch for clutter in the background. You don’t want it so plain and boring, but clutter is just distracting and it’s easy to avoid.

  • Don’t forget about Closed Captioning! *Especially in IG Stories. I believe TikTok is also releasing a captioning feature too. Though there doesn’t appear to be a way in lives yet on FB, IG, or TT.

  • Do create an outline beforehand. Not a script that you have to follow, but a points outline that is easy to shim if you get stuck or nerves hit. Doing this will help with some of the pre-video anxiety.

  • Do NOT make it all about YOU! Focus on your ICA. You want them to relate and feel like you get them.

  • Do fill the frame. Get yourself nice and close to the camera, it reads as “more confident.”

  • Don’t let the fear fuel you. As I said before the more you do it the easier it gets, so get past caring about what people think, jump in and do it!

  • Don’t date yourself. AKA no “Happy Monday” kind of statements, you want your post to be evergreen and relatable no matter what day the viewer comes across it.

  • Do pay attention to your sound. Use your outside voice. Use those mic earbuds or just upgrade your mic. Eliminate distracting noises, even if that means being in a closet or with something to absorb the echoes.

Do you have any tips I missed? Drop them in the comments below. I hope this helped you and I can’t wait to see you show up in video soon!

8 Tips for Avoiding the Doomsday Scroll While Boosting Engagement

When you open your Instagram app, take a moment, are you in “Creation” mode…or are you just in “Consumption” mode? Let’s think before the Doomsday Scroll takes over.

Here are some tips on how to make your Instagram app time more effective for accomplishing your goals-

1) Open the app and commit to what mode you are in. If this is work mode and goal getting, let’s do this!

The first 5 images in your feed you will comment on. 4+ words (emojis don’t count) and be meaningful and real.

2) Post! Before and after posting you want to commit to 20 mins (40 mins total) engagement time.

During the first 20 minutes of your post being up make sure to return all comments on your post and return the favor on their profile.

3) Spy on the Competition-

Check on similar profiles for recent comments. Look for potential ICAs.

Check out recent posts under your ICA’s hashtag hangouts.

4) Respond to Stories! Super easy, send an emoji reaction to those stories, send a meaningful dm response.

5) Show Up! Always have face/voice in IG. Feed or Story. Do a rotation where your face can be found, you are your brand.

6) Call to Actions! In all your posts remember to add where to find stuff. Ask questions. Or add “DM for More.” Encourage interaction and engage!

7) Never Let Your Circle Die. Always have a Story up!

Great quick ideas for fillers, Shoutouts to other Accounts, Inspirational Quotes, or a Drop a Meme if you are out of ideas.

8) Remember effort and engagement time are rewarded! The more time doing these steps the better your profile will do.

I know we can all be guilty of just opening the app and forgetting our goals, but hopefully, this helps cuts down that time and leads to more success.

The Power of the DM

DM (Direct Message) = Engagement. And, Engagement is the Goal! Always the goal. Instagram rewards engagement. But, beyond that DMs create brand awareness and creates loyalty. Whenever you allow a personal touch it helps. It’s like a warming up for leads. You are creating connections, which leads ot sales and/or referrals, all great things.

DM is key, when done right.

Want to warm up leads from your Ideal Client? Try responding on their profile, likes, and comments (longer than 4 words, emojis don’t count) then send a message WITHOUT selling. Ask about them! Build a relationship. This is not a short term sales goal this is a long game to turn a cold lead into a warm lead and find out if they are your ICA.

Not sure how to DM? There’s more than 1 way to DM!

  1. Normal/Typical - Send/Respond Text or Voice Messages (up to 1 minute)

  2. Photo - Camera Roll or taken directly in DMs

  3. Video (up to 15 seconds) - Great connection, when people can see your eyes and enthusiasm, but gotta keep it short since it’s only in 15 sec. segments.

  4. Video Chat/Calling

  5. Group Chats

  6. From Stories (place a question or whatnot that warrants a response and respond!) *This is also a great way if you live in a country that prohibits DM cold calling.

No matter what way you do it, just remember, BE AUTHENTIC! BE YOU! Don’t just slide in and sell, build some trust by being yourself! Create relationships and real brand awareness and brand loyalty with a personal connection. Remember, practice makes perfect! Feel free to DM me.

The DM.png
Creating An Attention Grabbing Instagram Bio

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IG Bio.png

Want to grab more attention on your Instagram? Want people to want to follow you? Ready for the right kind of follower?

Here are a Few Instagram Bio Tips-

  • Photo - Smile, Eyes at the Camera.

    • Bright Colors or Bright Background. You can use apps like Canva or “Profile Pic Maker.” to do a quick colorful background change.

    • Do not use a logo - you are the most important part of your brand.

  • The Bold Part - Fill in not just Name, use Searchable Words, a searchable term. Are you a Blogger? Hairstylist? Photographer? Travel Advice? Make it easier to find you.

  • Make sure your Name is in the Bio (pronouns are a plus).

  • Meat of Bio - About You! You can use eye-catching fonts here.

    • How are you, your product, or service going to help them? Speak to what solutions you offer.

    • Use a “Call of Action” (this is also important in feed posts). Make sure to use your last line of bio. What do you want them to do? Contact you? Follow you? Let them know! *Very Important*

  • Link - Keep your link up to date. Change often if possible. It takes a lot for people to leave Instagram.

  • Highlights -

    • Covers - Be Branded. Matching Colors or Themes.

    • Must-Have (4 Sections) - About Me. What you Offer. Testimonials/Social Proof. Trainings/What People will Learn for You.

*This is Mine for Example

*This is Mine for Example


Want an Audit? I can absolutely do that! Just reach out. Also, if you are on Clubhouse, follow me @melissamcclure. From time to time I do hold chats with more IG bio tips and audits with other experts as well.

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11 Ways to Boost Your IG Story Views

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Just like the posts in your feed you want views, engagement, and Instagram rewards longer views and fewer skips. 2021 Instagram has brought some changes, so here are the Top 11 ways to Boost those Story Views!

1) Use All the Features

Questions/Polls/Gifs/Quizzes/Music/Etc. Use different media as well, Video/Photo/Etc. Use them all!

*It’s possible that the “This or That” trend may have increased this, but using multiple stories with multiple polls have seemed to increase views and engagement.

*Business Account - You will run into a limited Music Library, just Royalty-Free options. Creator accounts do not have that issue, but Business Accounts allow access to external apps for analytics and planning, so it’s up to you what is more important.

2) Show Your Face

Kind of a consistent theme, but create trust by showing up. Talk, not just a photo of you. It can feel scary but I promise it gets easier!

3) Make Sure You Are using Closed Captions

As explained here on “15 MUST HAVE APPS FOR INSTAGRAM,” but it’s super important and there are apps to help you. Or you can just type out your speech word for word.

4) Utilize Your Close Friends List

It won’t bring you more outsiders views, but it will do is bump your story to the front of the list for those in that “Close Friend” list. This will also change the circle color to a more standout Green. It could increase engagement knowing that it’s a more private share. Great idea for those of you with like “V.I.P. Programs” and whatnot.

5) Make Standout Content!

Ok, this is just like your feed, you want quality. If you are speaking, get straight to the point! Be attention-grabbing. Share “Behind the Scenes” of your more curated feed. Use apps like Canva and Unfold to make Stories stand out visually.

6) Create Templates

Jump on the “This or That” Trend. Make your own blank template to be shared around and it’s super easy to do on Canva, they even provide premade ones.

7) Extend View Time

Photos on their own are 7 seconds. It used to be the case that adding a Gif extended it to 15 seconds, but it appears to no longer be the case. BUT, you can still add music for 15 second longer share time, along with sharing videos.

8) Don’t Waste Your Time With Tags (Hashtags & Location Tags)

*Currently,* hashtags and location tags are no longer working with stories. They may come back, but they don’t appear to be. The old way in stories you could tag up to 10 hashtags per story post. Right now, it can’t hurt, but it probably won’t be helping you.

9) TAG Other Accounts

Though hashtags may not work, tagging to other IG accounts is helpful! Up to 10 other accounts. It makes it easier for those accounts to engage and reshare the story to their account. Though the view counts won’t count for you, it’s always a good idea for cross-feed attention. Tag Relevant Businesses and People.

10) Use Polls to DM Clients

Just as it sounds, use those “Yes/No” polls as a ice breaking invitation to slide into their direct messages. Some countries have laws prevent the cold call dm’s so this is your way to get invited to have that interaction.

Extra Tip - Place your poll towards the center area. It’s easier to interact with and looks better.

11) Go LIVE!

Ok, you may be nervous, but this is a great way to build trust with your audience. They will feel like they know you because this allows more access to you. You may not always have a topic at hand so open it up to a “Q&A” session.

Have any other tips I missed? Did story hashtags come back where you are? Ready to go live? If I catch you on I’ll totally try to pop in and say HI!

Instagram's NEW Search Feature - KEYWORDS

Let's talk about Instagram keywords and how this NEW feature affects your content!!

But, first, what is “Instagram Keyword”? Well, it’s a new feature that makes content searchable. More like Google, you will see what people mention. Similar to Pinterest, but what makes it special is this is the very First Social Media Search Engine Platform.

Types of Search -

  • Top/Recent

  • Accounts (username/name)

  • Hashtags

  • Places/Location Tags

In the old way of IG, you could search by a Username, Hashtag, or Location Tag but the new way lets users search for content! Specifically what people mention in their posts! The flip of the coin on this though is, if you are posting Political, Medical (like COVID), or Sex related content this will not help you. In fact, between the new policies rolling out and this feature, no one is really sure how this will impact those niches. On the bright side, if you post content more like Travel based or Cat Memes this will be great for you!

You may be asking, “Okay, now how does this work?” Well, this is where your WRITTEN content will be more important. Be more focused on your content pillars and be concise with your alt text.

Make sure your Posts Always have These Things:

  • Add Location (Specific vs Broad Location Tags are Better)

  • Use those Hashtags! #

  • Use Alt Text (this is where you describe what your image is)

  • Create QUALITY Content -> On Topic, Relevant Content

  • Optimize Your Bio

    Right now this really is more focused on your Feed content, like Feed Post or Reels. The data is still out on Guides and doesn’t affect Stories. So remember to focus your content. This search engine will be a game-changer for finding accounts!

Need a little Handy Graphic to Save and Remember? I gotcha covered. Just click the image and bookmark it right in your IG. ;)

Instagram Giveaways for Growth

GIVEAWAY! Who doesn’t love a good giveaway!?! But, how do you run one and how do you make it help your business? Well, first, use Instagram! It’s way more hoops to jump through and what not on Facebook, also the legal (which I’ll cover later) is easier on IG. Now, let’s get into The Good & Bad of Instagram Giveaways. All the types and what must do steps to take.


The 4 types of Instagram Giveaways:

  1. Large - Connected to 20-40 other IG accounts

  2. Loop - 15-20 other accounts

  3. Collab - Just a few accounts

  4. Self - Just you, just the one.

The “Pros and Cons”-

  • Large just isn’t as popular. It has a HUGE prize, like trips, but only 1 Winner. Costs about $100 per account participating. Can gain about 1000+ followers, but you may see a loss in engagement and not be targeting your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar).

  • Loop is just as titled. A lower cost to participate, works more like a team effort. Follow this account -> Follow -> Follow -> Until back to the first account, hence “Loop.” Typically prizes like gift cards.

  • Collab giveaways are good for sharing audience and exposure. Good for teaming up with accounts with similar ICA and branding. Bundle deal of each crafter/artist/shop’s products or a prize that would attract the group’s ICAs.

  • Self is pretty self explanatory (no pun intended). Just what you think your ICA would want or what fits your brand. Not the biggest reach and not a ton of traction. But this does work for your followers, your existing ICA’s to bring in potential IG accounts of friends and family with similar interest and may match your ICA.

With each giveaway you want to have a Goal or Outcome in mind. Are you doing this for Product Recognition or for more Followers? Because that can be your deciding factor. Product recognition, easy on self hosted. Want more followers? Think “The Bigger the Price the More People.” Word of Caution though, remember followers do not equal engagement ratings. Make sure to check out who you are teaming up with for branding and ICA in followers.

For prizes, keep your location and shipping in mind. Gift cards are easiest to ship and a easy go to in the US seems to be things like Starbucks. Think what works for you and your ICA.

Now that you’ve probably narrowed down what type of giveaway here are your ways to pull of that giveaway successfully:

  • In the caption be very clear about the criteria.

Example give exact easy steps-

  1. Follow

  2. Like

  3. Tag 2 friends in Comments

  4. Share in Stories


  • Set a Time Limit. Somewhere between 3-7 Days. 3 Being the least. 7 being the longest. Don’t want followers to forget or feel like it’s far of that they won’t win (unless it’s like the Larger Giveaways, that may take longer).

  • Don’t forget your Legal Blurb! It’s not only important, but is required.

This is the blurb that I have used in the past: (Feel free to copy it)

Giveaway open until (X) date and a winner will be drawn on stories at 12pm PST.

This is in no way sponsored, administered or associated with Instagram, Inc. or any of the brands. By entering, participants confirm they are above (legal age) years old and release Instagram and all brands and participants of all responsibility and agree to Instagram's terms of use. Void where prohibited by law, no purchase necessary.

If you are a rule person, you can read them directly from IG here:

  • Be Clear on how the Winner will be Announced. Will you “DM if chosen,” “Tag in the Comments,” or “Tag in Stories”? My method is using Comment Picker. I record it and share the video via stories with a tag and a congratulations to the Winner. Also, update caption to reflect giveaway is “Closed.”

After your giveaway is all wrapped up, if it does not make sense in your feed anymore archive it about 5-7 days later.

All ready to go? Let me know if you are running a giveaway and I would love to support you!


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15 Must Have Apps for Instagram

15 Instagram Helper Apps that I just can't live without! Seriously, these will help you too!

And, just remember if you work in media if the app is a “pay for” Tax Write-off. ;)


Disclosure: This site may contain affiliate links. Your clicks or use come to no extra expense for you. Though, I may receive a commission if you purchase from them.


For Editing:

1. Canva - This one! It is a must! You can do so much with the paid app that it is completely worth it! 60k templates for Stories/Posts/Gifs…so much!

*EXTRA TIP - Canva is also good for Facebook posts, just adding a simple image to your post will get more views.

2. Unfold - VERY CLEAN. Like it’s a clean app and it just helps your images just look clean.

3. Word Swag - More robust use with words then Canva, but similar in making graphics with quotes. Lots of great reviews.

4. Color Story - A lot of photographers use it and save they filters, which is a plus if you aren’t the best at that, but want a consistent filter feels. Also great quality and heard it can help with gridding.

5. Snapseed - By far the best for Object Removal! Great to get rid of those background distractions. (I’ll most likely make a training video for it in my Free FB Group soon).

6. Lightroom Mobile - This one has a little bit of learning curve but once you get it down you will love it. Super professional photo editor, from Adobe, so of course it would be. I believe though when you buy presents on mobile it isn’t transferable to the desktop version.

For Preplanning (Organized Posting):

7. Panoly - I actually use the free option, so it just limits amount of use a little, but it’s the easiest to use for scheduling out your post.

8. Later - A lot of people swear by it, love it! I am personally do most through Panoly, but I love Later’s emails.

For Fun:

9. Spark AR Studios - Make your OWN Face Filter!!! Use this to create your own filter for IG Stories, like changing skin for tanner, sparkles….or adding rainbows!?! Just what you want or what your brand is known for for other’s to use.

For Hashtags #:

10. Hish Hash - I also use this one’s free version. But, it’s great for storing and organizing all those 25-30 hashtags. There is even a “shuffle” option so you don’t come across spammy.

11. Save on Phone with your “Notes” app - Like Hish Hash save your hashtags, but just none of the fun extras. Also, great for jotting quick ideas down for a later post.

Follower Tracker:

12. Followers - I actually couldn’t find the link on desktop, but this is the one I use. I recommend only checking like once a month, not too much. Good for getting rid of those “follow - unfollower” type accounts just to monitor your numbers a bit. But, word of caution, do not do a mass unfollow, IG does not like that and you might get a temporary block for doing it.

**Please, be careful when downloading an app like this, I use a paid, hoping it reduces the risk that it’s just a phishing scheme to get my login information. But, because of that, I also recommend you make sure to have your 2 Step-Factor Authorization through IG step-up. Protect yourself.

Closed Captioning:

Nearly half of users have their phones on silent while scrolling through the app, you need captions. Also, captions are also a good idea for the normal CC accessibility reasons. It’s highly recommended you add captions to your Story videos.

13. Threads - (Newer App) This app is actually meant to be more like Marco Polo App, but you can use it to record your video. Have it add captions and then download the video, wha-la.

14. Clipomatic - I believe this app only has a paid option, but it’s also great for captioning if you aren’t wanting to type it out yourself. It’s possible to also edit miscaptioning.

And Of Course! INSTAGRAM! (#15)

The app it’s self has made huge improvements! You don’t really need to even use their extrenal Boomerang app anymore! Their analytics are fantastic and FREE (unlike pricy other apps). You can do a ton in the app, filters, polls…etc. The great thing to, is IG rewards use! Rewards those that use all it’s features, so give them all a try!


Do you have a favorite app to help you with your IG needs that I missed? Let me know! Love to hear it and try it!

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