Posts tagged caption
Content Pillars: Why they will Change the way you Create Content!

Do you struggle with thinking out your content? Have you had a hard time finding your right audience? Well, this could be your answer to those struggles!

But, first, WHAT do I mean by “Content Pillars”? Well, think of it like the “Pillars” of a building, but they are holding up your content. These will be your topics to cover on your blog or social media.

WHY? You want to make sure to be a niched down expert topic areas.

Niche down to 4-5 topics. It will make it easier to concentrate your energy. Focusing your attention will help you realize where you are the expert. It will also help your audience recognize you as the go-to/expert in these areas. Not only that, but it will help you plan out your content. Your 4-5 topics just set on rotation. Cuts down the “What do I write about today?” struggles.

If you are worried this will lead you to sound like you are repeating yourself, just remember it takes a person 20x before they get it. 7x before they even click or start trusting.

But HOW? Not sure what subjects your audience sticks around for? What are you known for? ASK THEM! Seriously, do your Market Research! Instagram Polls or reach out to your followers.

Think about what do you typically share about? Just review your media and jot down what topics seem to be repeated and narrow it down from there.

I also suggest a “Brain Drain.” (Brainstorm/Brain Dump….freewrite.) This will help you even after you know your pillars, it’s actually a good habit to get in. I personally do it monthly or sooner if needed. Some relaxing music, creative uninterrupted setting, for a 20-minute scratch writing session. Jot down all of your thoughts and ideas, related or not. When that 20 mins are up highlight or circle those winning ones. Pull the best ones that fit your content pillar topics.

Your goal with all your content is to always do at least one of these, Educate, Entertain, or Inspire. Don’t forget to end every post with a “call to action.” Create Engagement!

Remember all this can be repurposed over and over once you have your 4 Pillars you are ready for consistent shares and less overthinking.

Do you still need help? Reach out to me and let’s see where to go.

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Instagram's NEW Search Feature - KEYWORDS

Let's talk about Instagram keywords and how this NEW feature affects your content!!

But, first, what is “Instagram Keyword”? Well, it’s a new feature that makes content searchable. More like Google, you will see what people mention. Similar to Pinterest, but what makes it special is this is the very First Social Media Search Engine Platform.

Types of Search -

  • Top/Recent

  • Accounts (username/name)

  • Hashtags

  • Places/Location Tags

In the old way of IG, you could search by a Username, Hashtag, or Location Tag but the new way lets users search for content! Specifically what people mention in their posts! The flip of the coin on this though is, if you are posting Political, Medical (like COVID), or Sex related content this will not help you. In fact, between the new policies rolling out and this feature, no one is really sure how this will impact those niches. On the bright side, if you post content more like Travel based or Cat Memes this will be great for you!

You may be asking, “Okay, now how does this work?” Well, this is where your WRITTEN content will be more important. Be more focused on your content pillars and be concise with your alt text.

Make sure your Posts Always have These Things:

  • Add Location (Specific vs Broad Location Tags are Better)

  • Use those Hashtags! #

  • Use Alt Text (this is where you describe what your image is)

  • Create QUALITY Content -> On Topic, Relevant Content

  • Optimize Your Bio

    Right now this really is more focused on your Feed content, like Feed Post or Reels. The data is still out on Guides and doesn’t affect Stories. So remember to focus your content. This search engine will be a game-changer for finding accounts!

Need a little Handy Graphic to Save and Remember? I gotcha covered. Just click the image and bookmark it right in your IG. ;)

15 Must Have Apps for Instagram

15 Instagram Helper Apps that I just can't live without! Seriously, these will help you too!

And, just remember if you work in media if the app is a “pay for” Tax Write-off. ;)


Disclosure: This site may contain affiliate links. Your clicks or use come to no extra expense for you. Though, I may receive a commission if you purchase from them.


For Editing:

1. Canva - This one! It is a must! You can do so much with the paid app that it is completely worth it! 60k templates for Stories/Posts/Gifs…so much!

*EXTRA TIP - Canva is also good for Facebook posts, just adding a simple image to your post will get more views.

2. Unfold - VERY CLEAN. Like it’s a clean app and it just helps your images just look clean.

3. Word Swag - More robust use with words then Canva, but similar in making graphics with quotes. Lots of great reviews.

4. Color Story - A lot of photographers use it and save they filters, which is a plus if you aren’t the best at that, but want a consistent filter feels. Also great quality and heard it can help with gridding.

5. Snapseed - By far the best for Object Removal! Great to get rid of those background distractions. (I’ll most likely make a training video for it in my Free FB Group soon).

6. Lightroom Mobile - This one has a little bit of learning curve but once you get it down you will love it. Super professional photo editor, from Adobe, so of course it would be. I believe though when you buy presents on mobile it isn’t transferable to the desktop version.

For Preplanning (Organized Posting):

7. Panoly - I actually use the free option, so it just limits amount of use a little, but it’s the easiest to use for scheduling out your post.

8. Later - A lot of people swear by it, love it! I am personally do most through Panoly, but I love Later’s emails.

For Fun:

9. Spark AR Studios - Make your OWN Face Filter!!! Use this to create your own filter for IG Stories, like changing skin for tanner, sparkles….or adding rainbows!?! Just what you want or what your brand is known for for other’s to use.

For Hashtags #:

10. Hish Hash - I also use this one’s free version. But, it’s great for storing and organizing all those 25-30 hashtags. There is even a “shuffle” option so you don’t come across spammy.

11. Save on Phone with your “Notes” app - Like Hish Hash save your hashtags, but just none of the fun extras. Also, great for jotting quick ideas down for a later post.

Follower Tracker:

12. Followers - I actually couldn’t find the link on desktop, but this is the one I use. I recommend only checking like once a month, not too much. Good for getting rid of those “follow - unfollower” type accounts just to monitor your numbers a bit. But, word of caution, do not do a mass unfollow, IG does not like that and you might get a temporary block for doing it.

**Please, be careful when downloading an app like this, I use a paid, hoping it reduces the risk that it’s just a phishing scheme to get my login information. But, because of that, I also recommend you make sure to have your 2 Step-Factor Authorization through IG step-up. Protect yourself.

Closed Captioning:

Nearly half of users have their phones on silent while scrolling through the app, you need captions. Also, captions are also a good idea for the normal CC accessibility reasons. It’s highly recommended you add captions to your Story videos.

13. Threads - (Newer App) This app is actually meant to be more like Marco Polo App, but you can use it to record your video. Have it add captions and then download the video, wha-la.

14. Clipomatic - I believe this app only has a paid option, but it’s also great for captioning if you aren’t wanting to type it out yourself. It’s possible to also edit miscaptioning.

And Of Course! INSTAGRAM! (#15)

The app it’s self has made huge improvements! You don’t really need to even use their extrenal Boomerang app anymore! Their analytics are fantastic and FREE (unlike pricy other apps). You can do a ton in the app, filters, polls…etc. The great thing to, is IG rewards use! Rewards those that use all it’s features, so give them all a try!


Do you have a favorite app to help you with your IG needs that I missed? Let me know! Love to hear it and try it!

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