Instagram's NEW Search Feature - KEYWORDS

Let's talk about Instagram keywords and how this NEW feature affects your content!!

But, first, what is “Instagram Keyword”? Well, it’s a new feature that makes content searchable. More like Google, you will see what people mention. Similar to Pinterest, but what makes it special is this is the very First Social Media Search Engine Platform.

Types of Search -

  • Top/Recent

  • Accounts (username/name)

  • Hashtags

  • Places/Location Tags

In the old way of IG, you could search by a Username, Hashtag, or Location Tag but the new way lets users search for content! Specifically what people mention in their posts! The flip of the coin on this though is, if you are posting Political, Medical (like COVID), or Sex related content this will not help you. In fact, between the new policies rolling out and this feature, no one is really sure how this will impact those niches. On the bright side, if you post content more like Travel based or Cat Memes this will be great for you!

You may be asking, “Okay, now how does this work?” Well, this is where your WRITTEN content will be more important. Be more focused on your content pillars and be concise with your alt text.

Make sure your Posts Always have These Things:

  • Add Location (Specific vs Broad Location Tags are Better)

  • Use those Hashtags! #

  • Use Alt Text (this is where you describe what your image is)

  • Create QUALITY Content -> On Topic, Relevant Content

  • Optimize Your Bio

    Right now this really is more focused on your Feed content, like Feed Post or Reels. The data is still out on Guides and doesn’t affect Stories. So remember to focus your content. This search engine will be a game-changer for finding accounts!

Need a little Handy Graphic to Save and Remember? I gotcha covered. Just click the image and bookmark it right in your IG. ;)