Social Media Courses & Coaching

Melissa McClure Insatgram Expert Oceanside California.png

 Up level Your Mindset and Monetize Your Content!
Stop hiding your light and Burn Bright as the fire behind your brand!


The Social Media Marketing Method

 As a creative business owner, your head is spinning from all the algorithms, platforms and features of online marketing. Honey - I’ve been there!

You’re winging your way through showing up online, but imposter syndrome and unconscious incompetence are standing in the way of reaching your marketing goals…

Hit the brakes and let’s turn you around!

If you wanna make bank out of your brand, you need to create an online vision with content that LANDS and a presence that SELLS!

Lucky for you - you’ll get all of that inside my Social Media Marketing Method!

“What do I get?”

Chica, when you join my SMMM, you walk away with a self-paced course packed full of next-level-value video modules and step-by-step worksheets that will have you increasing your revenue alongside your social media presence! 

And if that’s not enough, you also get exclusive access to my VIP group where you’ll get alllll your burning questions answered!

SMMM is valued at almost $3000 but it’s yours TODAY for just $397!

Ready to start turning that creativity into money, honey?

 If Reels leave you Reeling, I’ve got you covered! Introducing…

Reels Made Easy

There’s no way to hide it - Reels are en vogue when it comes to online marketing.

But when you’re juggling the creating, selling and admin sides of business, getting your head round new marketing features can be the last thing you need to tackle!

Stop watching and start DOING!!!

You can listen to all the podcasts in the world, but unless you’re implementing the changes, your audience will never grow…

Stop feeling left behind by reels and take your brand from run-of-the-mill to rad with Reels Made Easy!

This self-paced course teaches you all the easily-implementable skills to go beyond pointing and dancing, and use your creative spark to explode your audience… for only $59!

Let’s get your brand out there!

 Looking for the step between online freebies and investing in coaching?

Melissa’s Power Hour

Investing in coaching can be overwhelming, especially when you’re pouring all your time into your creative passion.

So, what do you do when the free ‘strategies’ aren’t bringing in sales, but you’re not quite ready for the coaching commitment?

You grab a Marketing Makeover with Me!

What’s involved?

We get together for virtual cocktails and I give your online Insta account the FULL McClure Magic Touch!

After an audit of what’s booming in your online brand, we strategize and you walk away with a full roadmap to take your business from blah to brilliant!

No long-term time commitment, no overwhelming ‘homework’, just the exact steps you need to take your brand to its full Profit Potential.

A personalized Power Hour is yours for just $349!

It’s time to take the next step… dream clients are waiting for you!

 Feel like something’s missing in your socials?

Treat your brand to an IG Audit

You’re working your butt off to promote your awesome, kickass brand - but there’s just something that’s not…quite…there…

Your marketing on other platforms may be spot on, but you know you’re not using Instagram to its fullest potential when it comes to making sales.

Business Babes, I’ve got your back!

Sign up for a detailed Insta Audit for just $79, and walk away with actionable steps to pimp out your bio and plug those profit gaps!

Overhaul your Insta and turn passions into profits!


Features Overview


Feature 1

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Feature 2

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Feature 3

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