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2022 Hashtag Strategy

We all have heard some conflicting things about hashtags in Instagram these days, so here is what I found and what I recommend to get the most out of your hashtags for 2022.

Straight from the horse’s mouth, Instagram recommends:

  • Feed Post - 3-5 hashtags in caption or comment

  • Reels - 5-7 in caption

  • Stories - ZERO (hashtags are unsearchable in stories, so not worth the effort)

*So I will be focusing my tips on Feed Posts and Reels.

Hashtag Tips:

  1. Use up to 30 hashtags for feed posts BUT must be relevant to the post and you must change up the amount and word use up.

  2. Variety - Location, Industry, Branded (your branding-based hashtags), Descriptive, and Community Based (like “#SDMom”).

  3. Use hashtags between 10k-200k to maximize your reach.

  4. Double-check that your hashtags aren’t on the banned list.

  5. Check what hashtags your ICA is using.

  6. Make better content. Hashtags can’t save mediocre content. Think of a hashtag more like salt on a dish. Salt just enhances, but it can’t fix a garbage dish.

  7. Don’t rely on or stress about hashtags! Honestly, I forget to put them half of the time, hashtags aren’t the make or break that they used to be. Think of tip #6 and focus your effort on making good content.

You may have caught that I said to use up to “30 hashtags” in tip #1 but IG recommended 3-5, well I have a theory. Hashtags just make it easier for the spambots to find and it does come across as spammy, so maybe they are hoping lower numbers bring more focus and authentic engagement.

Hashtags on Instagram’s platform work more like SEO keywords and are more searchable, not something to just use because of trending (like on TikTok). So treat them more like a search optimization.

With all that said, here’s what I think and recommend. The sweet spot hashtag-wise for me seems to be 7 to 20 hashtags of varying amounts and words. I never stick to the same. So don’t post the same number of hashtags and the same hashtags everytime, try to experiment with a varying amount or even just using IG’s suggested amount and see.

Let me know what seems to be working for you. I’m interested to hear everyone’s experiences.

Let's Talk About Instagram Guides

Here's a quick and dirty guide to GUIDES on Instagram!!

The first thing you should know is when you create a guide, you aren't making new content. You are taking others’ content or repurposing your own old content and putting it all in one place. It’s kind of like a fun way to link a bunch of thoughts in one theme post. My guess is that profiles that sell a product would really benefit from this.

So I just created my first guide (check it out on and it seems like it could be a cool feature.

You Gotta Give it a try!

Here are Some Basic Ideas -

  • Places: Recommend places in your city and beyond

  • Products: Recommend your favorite products

  • Posts: Recommend posts you created or saved

Guides seem to be a great way to shoutout small businesses, do a travel theme with locations, outfit inspiration, really the ideas are pretty limitless and great for potential sponsorship. And as with everything new on IG, it's best to go try it asap! The algorithm LOVES when you use all their features especially the new ones.

Remember, just like I said with stories, IG rewards those that are using all of their features! They like also highlighting their NEW features, so this is definitely one to be using in the mix.

If you want to read more, this is a good article on it -

Any questions? I can do a video on how to create one if you'd like, feel free to let me know in my Facebook Group - Eff What They Think - Combining Instagram + Business + Radical Self Love. Some of my clients in the group are already reporting a huge jump in views when doing them. Give it a shot!

Content Pillars: Why they will Change the way you Create Content!

Do you struggle with thinking out your content? Have you had a hard time finding your right audience? Well, this could be your answer to those struggles!

But, first, WHAT do I mean by “Content Pillars”? Well, think of it like the “Pillars” of a building, but they are holding up your content. These will be your topics to cover on your blog or social media.

WHY? You want to make sure to be a niched down expert topic areas.

Niche down to 4-5 topics. It will make it easier to concentrate your energy. Focusing your attention will help you realize where you are the expert. It will also help your audience recognize you as the go-to/expert in these areas. Not only that, but it will help you plan out your content. Your 4-5 topics just set on rotation. Cuts down the “What do I write about today?” struggles.

If you are worried this will lead you to sound like you are repeating yourself, just remember it takes a person 20x before they get it. 7x before they even click or start trusting.

But HOW? Not sure what subjects your audience sticks around for? What are you known for? ASK THEM! Seriously, do your Market Research! Instagram Polls or reach out to your followers.

Think about what do you typically share about? Just review your media and jot down what topics seem to be repeated and narrow it down from there.

I also suggest a “Brain Drain.” (Brainstorm/Brain Dump….freewrite.) This will help you even after you know your pillars, it’s actually a good habit to get in. I personally do it monthly or sooner if needed. Some relaxing music, creative uninterrupted setting, for a 20-minute scratch writing session. Jot down all of your thoughts and ideas, related or not. When that 20 mins are up highlight or circle those winning ones. Pull the best ones that fit your content pillar topics.

Your goal with all your content is to always do at least one of these, Educate, Entertain, or Inspire. Don’t forget to end every post with a “call to action.” Create Engagement!

Remember all this can be repurposed over and over once you have your 4 Pillars you are ready for consistent shares and less overthinking.

Do you still need help? Reach out to me and let’s see where to go.

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