Posts tagged stories
2022 Hashtag Strategy

We all have heard some conflicting things about hashtags in Instagram these days, so here is what I found and what I recommend to get the most out of your hashtags for 2022.

Straight from the horse’s mouth, Instagram recommends:

  • Feed Post - 3-5 hashtags in caption or comment

  • Reels - 5-7 in caption

  • Stories - ZERO (hashtags are unsearchable in stories, so not worth the effort)

*So I will be focusing my tips on Feed Posts and Reels.

Hashtag Tips:

  1. Use up to 30 hashtags for feed posts BUT must be relevant to the post and you must change up the amount and word use up.

  2. Variety - Location, Industry, Branded (your branding-based hashtags), Descriptive, and Community Based (like “#SDMom”).

  3. Use hashtags between 10k-200k to maximize your reach.

  4. Double-check that your hashtags aren’t on the banned list.

  5. Check what hashtags your ICA is using.

  6. Make better content. Hashtags can’t save mediocre content. Think of a hashtag more like salt on a dish. Salt just enhances, but it can’t fix a garbage dish.

  7. Don’t rely on or stress about hashtags! Honestly, I forget to put them half of the time, hashtags aren’t the make or break that they used to be. Think of tip #6 and focus your effort on making good content.

You may have caught that I said to use up to “30 hashtags” in tip #1 but IG recommended 3-5, well I have a theory. Hashtags just make it easier for the spambots to find and it does come across as spammy, so maybe they are hoping lower numbers bring more focus and authentic engagement.

Hashtags on Instagram’s platform work more like SEO keywords and are more searchable, not something to just use because of trending (like on TikTok). So treat them more like a search optimization.

With all that said, here’s what I think and recommend. The sweet spot hashtag-wise for me seems to be 7 to 20 hashtags of varying amounts and words. I never stick to the same. So don’t post the same number of hashtags and the same hashtags everytime, try to experiment with a varying amount or even just using IG’s suggested amount and see.

Let me know what seems to be working for you. I’m interested to hear everyone’s experiences.

5 Points of Turning Engagement into Sales

Before I dive into some easy points to get that engagement to convert into sales, let’s address the elephant in the room. The whole IG world is just in a slump. It isn’t just you. It’s just a matter of fact engagement is just down in general. More people are on the app and that also means more creators. But don’t let it get you down, this is where knowing your audience will be key, which I’ll address, ICA’s (Ideal Client Avatars) are just an important topic. You may be also questioning if it’s possible to make sales when your follower numbers are such and such… And, the answer is Absolutely! Yes! The 10K Follower Swipe-up Feature isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Trust me I’ve seen the numbers, and this isn’t just based on one account, we all see it. That swipe isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and neither are numbers so don’t worry about getting your followers to a certain number, focus on taking care of the people right in front of you! Your current audience, your people, now that’s what matters. Let’s focus on those people and how to sell to them.

Now for the fun! 5 Points of Turning Engagement into Sales:

  1. Get into those DMs - Post in stories to encourage people to dm you or use their stories to start a non-sales conversation. Build up a connection, don’t be spammy, and start off with sales pitches. No one likes that.

  2. Return the Love - As we like to say in my FB group, “Don’t Post & Ghost!” Reciprocate the post interaction. I want you to especially pay attention to the top 20 people interacting with you. If they are supporting you, support them back. Trust me it pays off, ties in with the “Like-Know-Trust” Factor.

  3. Bring Value - Being the expert on a topic. Don’t over or under-sale your level of expertise. Play around with your amount of sales vs non-sales posts.

  4. Consistency - I will preach this over and over again, but be consistent! Show up, stories/lives, like #3 build-up that connect for the “Like-Know-Trust.”

  5. Understanding Your ICA’s Needs - Speak directly to your ICA. They will know you have the solution for their problem and there’s the sale.

Try it, try it all, and get back to me! If you need help and an extra little push just reach out to me. That’s what I’m here for. Also, if you want to stay in the loop, make sure to sign up for my weekly emails, especially after the recent social media outages. ;)

11 Ways to Boost Your IG Story Views

Disclosure: This site may contain affiliate links. Your clicks or use come to no extra expense for you. Though, I may receive a commission if you purchase from them.


Just like the posts in your feed you want views, engagement, and Instagram rewards longer views and fewer skips. 2021 Instagram has brought some changes, so here are the Top 11 ways to Boost those Story Views!

1) Use All the Features

Questions/Polls/Gifs/Quizzes/Music/Etc. Use different media as well, Video/Photo/Etc. Use them all!

*It’s possible that the “This or That” trend may have increased this, but using multiple stories with multiple polls have seemed to increase views and engagement.

*Business Account - You will run into a limited Music Library, just Royalty-Free options. Creator accounts do not have that issue, but Business Accounts allow access to external apps for analytics and planning, so it’s up to you what is more important.

2) Show Your Face

Kind of a consistent theme, but create trust by showing up. Talk, not just a photo of you. It can feel scary but I promise it gets easier!

3) Make Sure You Are using Closed Captions

As explained here on “15 MUST HAVE APPS FOR INSTAGRAM,” but it’s super important and there are apps to help you. Or you can just type out your speech word for word.

4) Utilize Your Close Friends List

It won’t bring you more outsiders views, but it will do is bump your story to the front of the list for those in that “Close Friend” list. This will also change the circle color to a more standout Green. It could increase engagement knowing that it’s a more private share. Great idea for those of you with like “V.I.P. Programs” and whatnot.

5) Make Standout Content!

Ok, this is just like your feed, you want quality. If you are speaking, get straight to the point! Be attention-grabbing. Share “Behind the Scenes” of your more curated feed. Use apps like Canva and Unfold to make Stories stand out visually.

6) Create Templates

Jump on the “This or That” Trend. Make your own blank template to be shared around and it’s super easy to do on Canva, they even provide premade ones.

7) Extend View Time

Photos on their own are 7 seconds. It used to be the case that adding a Gif extended it to 15 seconds, but it appears to no longer be the case. BUT, you can still add music for 15 second longer share time, along with sharing videos.

8) Don’t Waste Your Time With Tags (Hashtags & Location Tags)

*Currently,* hashtags and location tags are no longer working with stories. They may come back, but they don’t appear to be. The old way in stories you could tag up to 10 hashtags per story post. Right now, it can’t hurt, but it probably won’t be helping you.

9) TAG Other Accounts

Though hashtags may not work, tagging to other IG accounts is helpful! Up to 10 other accounts. It makes it easier for those accounts to engage and reshare the story to their account. Though the view counts won’t count for you, it’s always a good idea for cross-feed attention. Tag Relevant Businesses and People.

10) Use Polls to DM Clients

Just as it sounds, use those “Yes/No” polls as a ice breaking invitation to slide into their direct messages. Some countries have laws prevent the cold call dm’s so this is your way to get invited to have that interaction.

Extra Tip - Place your poll towards the center area. It’s easier to interact with and looks better.

11) Go LIVE!

Ok, you may be nervous, but this is a great way to build trust with your audience. They will feel like they know you because this allows more access to you. You may not always have a topic at hand so open it up to a “Q&A” session.

Have any other tips I missed? Did story hashtags come back where you are? Ready to go live? If I catch you on I’ll totally try to pop in and say HI!

Instagram Giveaways for Growth

GIVEAWAY! Who doesn’t love a good giveaway!?! But, how do you run one and how do you make it help your business? Well, first, use Instagram! It’s way more hoops to jump through and what not on Facebook, also the legal (which I’ll cover later) is easier on IG. Now, let’s get into The Good & Bad of Instagram Giveaways. All the types and what must do steps to take.


The 4 types of Instagram Giveaways:

  1. Large - Connected to 20-40 other IG accounts

  2. Loop - 15-20 other accounts

  3. Collab - Just a few accounts

  4. Self - Just you, just the one.

The “Pros and Cons”-

  • Large just isn’t as popular. It has a HUGE prize, like trips, but only 1 Winner. Costs about $100 per account participating. Can gain about 1000+ followers, but you may see a loss in engagement and not be targeting your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar).

  • Loop is just as titled. A lower cost to participate, works more like a team effort. Follow this account -> Follow -> Follow -> Until back to the first account, hence “Loop.” Typically prizes like gift cards.

  • Collab giveaways are good for sharing audience and exposure. Good for teaming up with accounts with similar ICA and branding. Bundle deal of each crafter/artist/shop’s products or a prize that would attract the group’s ICAs.

  • Self is pretty self explanatory (no pun intended). Just what you think your ICA would want or what fits your brand. Not the biggest reach and not a ton of traction. But this does work for your followers, your existing ICA’s to bring in potential IG accounts of friends and family with similar interest and may match your ICA.

With each giveaway you want to have a Goal or Outcome in mind. Are you doing this for Product Recognition or for more Followers? Because that can be your deciding factor. Product recognition, easy on self hosted. Want more followers? Think “The Bigger the Price the More People.” Word of Caution though, remember followers do not equal engagement ratings. Make sure to check out who you are teaming up with for branding and ICA in followers.

For prizes, keep your location and shipping in mind. Gift cards are easiest to ship and a easy go to in the US seems to be things like Starbucks. Think what works for you and your ICA.

Now that you’ve probably narrowed down what type of giveaway here are your ways to pull of that giveaway successfully:

  • In the caption be very clear about the criteria.

Example give exact easy steps-

  1. Follow

  2. Like

  3. Tag 2 friends in Comments

  4. Share in Stories


  • Set a Time Limit. Somewhere between 3-7 Days. 3 Being the least. 7 being the longest. Don’t want followers to forget or feel like it’s far of that they won’t win (unless it’s like the Larger Giveaways, that may take longer).

  • Don’t forget your Legal Blurb! It’s not only important, but is required.

This is the blurb that I have used in the past: (Feel free to copy it)

Giveaway open until (X) date and a winner will be drawn on stories at 12pm PST.

This is in no way sponsored, administered or associated with Instagram, Inc. or any of the brands. By entering, participants confirm they are above (legal age) years old and release Instagram and all brands and participants of all responsibility and agree to Instagram's terms of use. Void where prohibited by law, no purchase necessary.

If you are a rule person, you can read them directly from IG here:

  • Be Clear on how the Winner will be Announced. Will you “DM if chosen,” “Tag in the Comments,” or “Tag in Stories”? My method is using Comment Picker. I record it and share the video via stories with a tag and a congratulations to the Winner. Also, update caption to reflect giveaway is “Closed.”

After your giveaway is all wrapped up, if it does not make sense in your feed anymore archive it about 5-7 days later.

All ready to go? Let me know if you are running a giveaway and I would love to support you!


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