5 Points of Turning Engagement into Sales


Before I dive into some easy points to get that engagement to convert into sales, let’s address the elephant in the room. The whole IG world is just in a slump. It isn’t just you. It’s just a matter of fact engagement is just down in general. More people are on the app and that also means more creators. But don’t let it get you down, this is where knowing your audience will be key, which I’ll address, ICA’s (Ideal Client Avatars) are just an important topic. You may be also questioning if it’s possible to make sales when your follower numbers are such and such… And, the answer is Absolutely! Yes! The 10K Follower Swipe-up Feature isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Trust me I’ve seen the numbers, and this isn’t just based on one account, we all see it. That swipe isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and neither are numbers so don’t worry about getting your followers to a certain number, focus on taking care of the people right in front of you! Your current audience, your people, now that’s what matters. Let’s focus on those people and how to sell to them.

Now for the fun! 5 Points of Turning Engagement into Sales:

  1. Get into those DMs - Post in stories to encourage people to dm you or use their stories to start a non-sales conversation. Build up a connection, don’t be spammy, and start off with sales pitches. No one likes that.

  2. Return the Love - As we like to say in my FB group, “Don’t Post & Ghost!” Reciprocate the post interaction. I want you to especially pay attention to the top 20 people interacting with you. If they are supporting you, support them back. Trust me it pays off, ties in with the “Like-Know-Trust” Factor.

  3. Bring Value - Being the expert on a topic. Don’t over or under-sale your level of expertise. Play around with your amount of sales vs non-sales posts.

  4. Consistency - I will preach this over and over again, but be consistent! Show up, stories/lives, like #3 build-up that connect for the “Like-Know-Trust.”

  5. Understanding Your ICA’s Needs - Speak directly to your ICA. They will know you have the solution for their problem and there’s the sale.

Try it, try it all, and get back to me! If you need help and an extra little push just reach out to me. That’s what I’m here for. Also, if you want to stay in the loop, make sure to sign up for my weekly emails, especially after the recent social media outages. ;)