8 Ways to Find Your Niche Audience

Such an important topic, finding your niche audience on social media. Let’s help you find them and keep them.

So here are my Top 8 Tips!

#1 - Know your Ideal Client (ICA) and Know Your Content Pillars.

Go deeper than just the basic gender age, niche it down when finding your “Ideal Client” (aka ICA). Knowing your content pillars helps because you know what you talk about you can find what kind of listeners. Also, if you are lost on Content, put out market research, ask your followers in Instagram Stories. (If you need more help reach out to me.)

#2 - Look at Your Stats.

Kind of related to step 1, but not completely. We tend to forget about our current followers and keep searching for more. We forget how many people, a hundred people, etc. really are! Just imagine being in a room with those numbers. Even if you have a smaller following I guarantee your ICA is in those numbers. Don’t neglect your following! But, look at your statistics, IG is pretty good at breaking those down for you.

#3 - Audit Your Profile.

This is a huge part. Once you get in front of that ICA you need to speak to them. Keep them, get them to want to smash the follow button. Speak their language. Does your bio speak to your ICA? Show your personality. What problem of theirs do you solve? Have a targeted profile. Keywords. Try to step back with virgin eyes or ask friends their opinions…or even ask your ICA.

#4 - Find Your Competiton.

Look at your competition. Don’t steal from them or poach their people! Do not copy. But, look at their followers, see what the trends are. This is strictly research. You’re allowed to follow if public. But use it to gather information.

#5 - Hashtags

Find what hashtags your ICA use and hang out under. The rules of this are always changing, but it’s best to think of hashtags as the seasoning on that dish you already created.

#6 - Collaborations!

Super fun way to gain followers. Share your audience. Not always best to collab with someone that is your competition, but if similar and slightly different go for it! Great for going live, podcasts, guest blogging, story takeovers, so many ways! Get creative! Even if it’s just basic shoutouts, give it a shot, get in front of other people’s audiences.

#7 - Interact!

Just getting the “follow” isn’t enough. You have to create a relationship! Interact! Stories are a great way to get or give interaction, as well as dm’s and posts.

#8 - Get them Off the Platform!

I say this a lot! Get them off the apps and in your email list, because what do you do if they delete that app? You don’t own your followers, but you own your email lists. Remember to use it. Not super easy but use those ICA’s needs to create offers, get them on that list. (I also offer a email training if you need it.)

I know I said it in a few of the points, but seriously, if you have any questions or need more deep details please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! This is my jam, my area of expertise and I love helping. Now go find your people! :)