Defining Your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar)


If you have been in or around marketing for a bit you may have heard this term, “ICA” aka Ideal Client Avatar. And it is important for you to have and know yours. It is important to know who you are selling to, talking to. It’s easier to speak with one than to speak to the masses. This will matter from writing your bios to finding the best hashtags to locate your clients. ICA is so important and I’m pretty sure you have heard me mention it a few times now. So let’s find your ICA!

Who are you selling to? How do you find your ICA?

  • Think of your past clients. Who did you absolutely love working with? If you haven’t had a client yet, who do you envision working with?

  • Give them a name, a REAL Name.

  • What’s their Age? What do they identify themselves as? Not just gender, but like in their bio, like “Mom” “Wife,” etc…

  • What do they do for work? Hobbies?

  • Where do they hang out in “real life” but also online? What Social media Apps? (Sprouts Social, actually had a pretty good updated article to help you with that.) But, you really want to know that, because you need to be on that app. You need to be where your ICA is. Join/Hang in the same groups. Be a presence, love on them, share your expertise.

  • Where does your person shop?

  • What problems does your ICA have? (How can you solve/help them?)

  • What do you love about your clients?

For Example- Brooke. She is in her 30’s. Mom, wife, photographer. Very busy. Likes True Crime and Podcasts. Shops mostly at Target and Amazon…

*You do not have to be the same/similar to your ICA. Sometimes it may work out that way, but it is not necessary. (My example, just kind of worked out that way.)

Remember - what stands out in your business is YOU! Be different. Your knowledge. Your point of view… Be YOU! You are what makes your brand/business stand out.

Need extra help in envisioning your client? Don’t hesitate to reach out to me.