Let's Talk "Equity" Specifically Instagram And Equity


This is huge! Huge for content makers on Instagram that have felt marginalized, hidden, or targeted on the social media platform. Instagram is finally speaking about their new “Equity team” and what it means.

First, no shame if you aren’t familiar with the concept of “Equity” instead of the use of “Equality.” Let me recommend this article on Mental Floss - “What’s the Difference Between Equity and Equality?” for you.

Many communities, Black, disabled, plus-sized, and LGBTQIA+ have been claiming issues with the platform for a while now. Problems with content hidden. Suddenly taken down. Or even accounts suddenly banned, and this is never an easy fix. It’s also never been a transparent conversation or process, but the release from Instagram just recently gives hope.

Or at least gives me hope in the fact that they are listening.

“The Instagram Stories” Podcast does a pretty good job summarizing it all up, in less than 4 minutes. I highly recommend giving it a quick listen.

But my biggest takeaway from the official article was this-

This foundational work helped us to narrow our focus, and finalize what our team will be concentrating on more specifically. Our team will now focus on three areas:

-Helping every Instagram employee prioritize building equitable products and tools

-Promoting fairness on the platform through our technology and automated systems

-Using Instagram to create more opportunities for empowerment.

Really, I am just happy to hear there is a team and some concerns I’ve heard time and time again are mentioned. So let’s hope, but I guess only time can tell.

I’m curious though, have you ever felt like your account or posts were targeted for being in a marginalized community? Are you relieved to hear that they are trying to address it? Do you think it will work? Comment below! I really would like to hear your thoughts.