Posts tagged repurpose
Creating Captivating Content

I know we’re all guilty of just posting for the sake of posting, even myself, but let’s do more than just appeasing the algorithm. Time to have a chat about how to create captivating content.

  1. Know What Your ICA is Thinking?

    Think about what they are thinking, asking, objections? Why haven’t they bought yet (if they haven’t)? Why did they? You can turn both of those into a post. If it was a money thing, even a post of why you charge what you charge, value. Think about what your ICA has dm’ed you.

  2. Do Your Research

    Ask! Use Instagram Stories for Polls and Questions. Or a great resource, pick one word a week (I believe a week) for “Answer the Public.” Find what questions people are asking in your niche and answer them.

  3. Repurpose Content You Already Have

    Repurpose one topic to fit each format of media. Example: Blog Post to Facebook Post/Live to Reel to Tiktok to Email Blast…. honestly, repurposing is endless. This blog in fact started as a FB Live in my group and is now this post, and next included in my email blast.

    Also, recycle that content! People have short attention spans, memory, and the way social media works they might not have caught the first, second, millionth time you’ve discussed something, so revisit, repurpose it!

    *I just don’t suggest recycling your photos, using the same images over and over. Not meaning using the same pictures on your different platforms, I mean recycling over and over the same images on same platform, like IG feed. Don’t do it.

  4. Keep Your Content Close

    Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Cough. Cough, Social Media. You never know what will happen to these apps, you also sign so many rights away, your content isn’t “your content” when posting, so keep it on a channel you own. Think about your blog or your email list.

  5. Goal Outcome

    Have a goal in mind. What’s your purpose of every post? Is it to answer a question? Is it to direct them to signing up for your email list? What are you trying to achieve with every post? Not just posting for filler.

You got this! Now, go create some content! Excited to see what you create, might need to tag me, especially if you use “Answer the Public” love the questions people ask. Also, feel free to reach out to me if you need more advice and support, I’m here for you.