Posts tagged mindful
Avoid the Burnout in Life and Business

Just a quick little help for us all balancing work and life stress. Sometimes we just need some little reminders and simple ways to give our mental health its best shot. Somethings even I try just as the days get busier or I feel stress coming in. Three little simple things that can keep you on the up and up.

#1, PLAY!

Connect with your inner child. Get back to that inner child. Listen to your inner child. Bring back what made you happy as a child, Find what you used to like. Play soccer, do art … go out and do something fun! Be free! (Let me know if you want to get connected to someone that specializes in inner child work. I’ve been doing it myself. Super helpful.)

#2, Seek Support

Vent. Get it off your chest and shoulders! Borrow a friend’s ear. If your close friends are like mine, “Fixers” that’s fine but let them know you are just seeking support, no need for solutions.

#3, Practice Mindfulness

Take the moments to be present. Thinking of what you are thankful for. Be mindful of what you have on a daily basis vs always looking forward to running to the next big event. Make something out of every day. Practice, practice, practice being thankful for the moment. Stop and smell the roses. My personal goal is just to start journaling to help me be more mindful, it may also work for you too.

Hope these help you as much as they are helping me. I know this is just the tip of the iceberg, but we all have to start somewhere. Remember to treat yourself well, your mind will thank you.