Increase your instagram engagement with only 20 minutes a day!

Increasing your engagement on the ‘gram doesn’t have to take hours out of your day. With these five easy tips, you can expand your followers, comments, and views in under a half hour. Start your social media day spending five minutes with each of these tips and watch your Instagram grow before your coffee gets cold. Or tea. Or beer. Whatever, I don’t judge. 

  • Comment on the first five photos in your feed (5 minutes)

  • Reply to comments on your posts (5 minutes)

  • Go to commenter’s profiles and return the favor (5 minutes)

  • Search for relevant hashtags - like and comment (5 minutes)

And if my 3rd grade math is correct - that should total 20 minutes!

Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Instagram thrives on engagement and content and utilizing these tricks every day will increase your views and insert you into more relevant feeds and searches.

Set a goal for yourself that every time you open the app to mindlessly scroll or check out what Busy Phillips is doing, comment and like on the first five (non sponsored) posts that show in your feed. These are typically accounts you already engage with anyways but also new to you followers.

Replying to comments, especially in the first 20 minutes of posting, will DOUBLE your engagement. Do this with every comment, on every post, and you’ll see amazing results. You don’t have to write your life story with every comment back, a simple emoji to show you’ve read it can sometimes be enough. Your followers will appreciate your presence. I also recommend engaging 20 minutes prior to posting, but that’s not the point of this blog!

Notice a commenter you’ve never seen before? Go check them out! Like their most recent posts, comment on a few, and follow back if they are of true interest to you. You don’t have to follow everyone – keep your feed clear of clutter and only add people you want to see more from or that you’d like to build a relationship with.

You can actually follow hashtag groupings like you would another profile! Follow ones that your idea client hangs out on, it exposes you to new accounts and integrates super easy in to your feed.

What’s your favorite hashtag to use?

Follow me on Instagram for more fun tips!

xo, Melissa
