Be Attractive with Attraction Marketing

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Be Attractive with Attraction Marketing

In theory, Attraction Marketing is a simple idea. You attract interested prospects and customers by creating valuable content that gives your target market what they want by addressing their biggest challenges, problems, and pains. Easy!

Okay, so maybe not that easy. By now, you’ve hopefully figured out who your target client is and how your business can help them, whether it’s with a product or service. In social media, being seen as the authority in your field with high quality and free content will help build trust with your prospective clients. Through this content, you can be at the forefront of their mind when they think about your industry. But what separates the valuable content from the bad?

Quality content will do one of three things. It will ENTERTAIN, it will EDUCATE, or it will INSPIRE. Lazy, boring content or a remark that’s nothing but hashtags won’t do any of those things, and you’ll lose that customers interest. Without one of those three, your content will fall flat and won’t make you memorable. Sometimes you have to be real and vulnerable; don’t be afraid to get on camera, let your kids interrupt you, and don’t edit out mistakes. Your followers will recognize this authenticity and believe in what you say.

Offering solutions and sharing successes will help you be recognized as a valuable resource for your ideal client. Talk about the problems they may be having and the solutions you offer. Share the benefits of your product or service and show quantifiable results or testimonials. Tell them how YOU can be the answer they are looking for, even if it’s to a problem they don’t even realize they have yet!

You may feel like you end up saying the same thing over and over and over again. And that’s okay! Find a way to repeat your benefits and solutions in a different way. New viewers will come across your post with fresh eyes, older followers will be reminded of everything you have to offer.

Show up in video on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube - seeing your face and hearing your voice generates so much more trust then text. You’re real, you’re there, you’re not a robot! Imperfections make you human. If you’re uneasy about being on camera, consider being a guest on a podcast or starting up your own to share your words without being on-screen. Videos in Facebook or Instagram stories keeps you visible. Just be sure to remind people that you’ll be going live and providing - you guessed it - QUALITY CONTENT!

Giving your followers tailored content created with them in mind will drive them to seek you out when the time is right. Being memorable with useful solutions can make you stand out in the cluttered world of social media. You just have to remember what your client can gain when working with you - and then dazzle them with your helpful tips.

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